Thursday, September 9, 2010

TIFF REVIEW: FILM #5 "I'm Still Here"

DIRECTED BY - Casey Affleck


So far I think this is one of favourite of the fest. While most are familiar with the public fall of JP, this shows such a varied view of it all.
As a documentry it's a fantastic job of capturing creative process in it's genesis, whether it's madness or genius only time will tell, but it's really engaging to watch.
For shock value, it delivers on all fronts. There's crazy high JP, there's tap dancing "found me some coke, gonna sniff a hookers bum hole" JP, and there is also the JP that gets out of a moving vehicle after appearing on letterman that breaks anyone with a heart into realizing that what JP is doing with his life is brave- it may be stupid and he may not be in the best mental state, but following muse is a tight rope.

Also, his hip hop isn't too bad. I look forward to hearing what will come out. If only there was a way for him to reveal the music without being the shadow of his former life, and epic fall.

Check this movie out, but be prepared for penis, pooh, drugs and vomit.

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