Thursday, September 9, 2010

TIFF REVIEW: FILM #13 "State of Violence"

DIRECTED BY - Khalo Matabane


What a great little revenge film. It's told with a lot of restraint both from exposition and violence. So many films rely on the catch up moment to fill the audience in, where with SOV I got all the information I needed in due time, and it was great.
When seaking revenge dig two graves, as the saying goes, and it's usually necessary, but I do love when the people you don't expect end up in those graves.
Ive seen a few African films in the last while and this leads the pack with skill(z) on many levels. Performances are solid all round, from the bit parts to the leads you buy into each character right away. The camera work isn't amazing, but it's such a step in the right direction compared to others. The pacing of the screenplay is bang on, despite being quite short. It's just over 1hr 15 minutes, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, when it's an amature hour production, but I did want more.

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